
Sunday 25 August 2013

Update on the MV CUBAHAMA

A mahogany name plate which was retrieved from the MV CUBAHAMA sometime in the late 1980's by Edwin McGee who found her laid up near Galveston Texas. The photograph is show here by kind permission and is taken from the blog at Sonsofsavages.

The MV CUBAHAMA Ship No 262

The wherebouts of this old "Special Ship" built at the Leith Shipyards of Henry Robb Ltd in 1938 can no be revealed thanks to Edwin Mcgee and his father who re-discovered her in the late 1980's laid up and half sunk in an inlet in the Sothern States of America.
You can read all about the MV CUBAHAMA and her eventual fate by clicking on the highlighted link which will take you to Edwin's blog.

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