
Tuesday 29 June 2010


Ship No 356


S.S. Truro was a single screw Cargo Steamer, to help replace war loses. At 1795 tons, with a length of 280 feet and a beam of 42 feet, they were very fine looking ships with graceful lines. She drew a draught of 25 feet and 3 inches.

She was launched from the yard on 12th December 1946. She operated all over the Med.

In 1968 she was sold to Kuwait, renamed Gulf Noor.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that it was on this ship, sailing out of Hull that I enjoyed the most wonderful family holiday in the 1960s. I think there were around 20 passengers, our family compromising five in number. The outward cargo included "Ruston Bycrus" (spelling?) earth moving equipment, Barrats' "Liquorzallsorts" and, on deck several racing horses in stalls!
    We travelled through the Kiel Canal and visited various port in Sweden including Norrkopping, Gavle and Stockholm.
    The return cargo was, I seem to recall, timber.
    I must of been about nine or ten at the time but I remember it still as one of the best holidays of my childhood; particularly the onboard food and the kindness of the crew.
    Sorry for the spelling, but it was sometime ago!
    Alistair Stein
