
Saturday, 3 December 2022

Write with Ron


“How would it feel to be a published author”


I am looking for 5 people who are ready to achieve the dream of writing their own book.


You will write your book, have it professionally edited, then you will have your book published on Amazon.


This is a new program being introduced by myself, to help writers, have their story published. I need some special people to help me with this, potential authors who are serious about having a published book, and who have always needed to write a book.


6 or 7 years ago, I would never have had the self-belief that I could write a book, never mind having a book published.

I now have 4 traditionally published books with more on the way. I also have 2 novels as part of my trilogy self-published on Amazon.

·       Have you been unsure where to begin

·       Is it a natural fear keeping you back

·       A fear of failure, of not being good enough

·       A fear of being stung, as previous attempts have cost you money with no book at the end

·       Lack of time, too busy or just procrastination

·       Are you scared of criticism or the negative opinions of others

·       Perhaps you just have a lack of knowledge which you can learn

Most writers can finish the book that needs to be started. You could be one of these writers and you can have your book completed.

It is within your reach, with some application and good guidance, you can do it.

Don’t be the one who says I done a book once, never got it finished.


We all have our story; you are the only person stopping your book.


Working with a trusted team, I have produced books to a high standard, that I would never have thought possible.

 I have been asked to speak on many podcasts, had my first book launch that attracted many people. Now I have had 2 non-fiction books on an Amazon best-sellers list.

I am now looking to pass on the knowledge gained over many years and through many mistakes made, to help you to write and produce your own book.

Just like me, what you once may have thought impossible, can be achieved as you write with Ron.

The old saying is very true that with my help, if I can do it then, so can you.


I’ve decided to put together a brand-new beta ‘Client Acquisition’ program to help writers to use my proven and tested methods to produce your own book.

This is going to be a powerful transformation of you as the writer. With my method, you will produce your own book. I guarantee by the end of my training you will have a wonderful completed book, ready for upload to Amazon.

And as one of the first five pioneers, I am going to thank you by creating everything bespoke and customised, just for you.


You’re going to get direct, one-to-one access to me and we’re going to tackle every problem you have together.

Once this program is complete, I will be charging far north of £3000 and it won’t include my personal one-to-one time or customised attention at anywhere near the level you’re going to get.



This new program to help you write and have edited then published book on Amazon, is being offered at a fraction of the eventual price. Your book can be fiction or non-fiction, it is your book and your choice. Your royalties and your copyright.


If you wish to have your own book, then do not hesitate, or put this off any longer.

Nothing will change unless you act.

Join with the authors who have trod this path before you.

If you are serious and really want that book, then contact me, either here or through my own website at www.theloftsman.com

Please no timewasters, I can only work with people who are serious, I need people who are committed, passionate and who really want to be a published author. Get in touch with me now, to begin your own book journey, follow my course step by step, completing all tasks and you will have your book published on Amazon, that I can guarantee.

I am looking forward to working with you, remember the time to do this is right now.

I have done this; I can show you how.

Some people wish it would happen, some want it to happen, while some make it happen. Contact me now.


Saturday, 19 November 2022

Scot II sails once more, as a fine model

I am very pleased to be able to tell everyone that the project to save the oldest ice-breaking tug on the Historic Ships register (U.K) is now back on. They have had a lot of problems, not to mention challenges due to Covid and other reasons.

To start the project off a nice new model of the ship has been made and we can see her in this image being trialed on the Isle of Skye.

Things are still at an early stage and with any luck I will be able to keep you all updated of progress on my Blogs and website, so please keep checking back. If you feel you can offer any help them also please contact me through the website  

Friday, 18 November 2022

A good read for the Holidays

 Hi, With any luck you will have read my first novel "Fight or Flight" if so then you have to read the 2nd in the trilogy. Black or White is just a real good rollicking adventure tale, and is perfect for getting through some of the holiday times.


Thursday, 3 November 2022

Amazon best-sellers list-Leith Built Ships, Vol-II

 Hi folks,

Really made up, to find another of my books has made it onto the Amazon Best-Sellers List. 

Check out -

Amazon.co.uk Best Sellers: The most popular items in Boat Building Number 26 on the best-sellers list

Many thanks to all who have shown an interest or purchased one of my books, let's see how high up the list it can go.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

T'was Xmas Day in the Workshop!


Yes Folks, hate to mention it, but Xmas 2022 is only a couple of months away.

What better than a good book or two, even three or more.

You will find my 4 books in the series on Ships Built at Leith, through all good bookshops worldwide.

Or from the publishers at

They Once Were Shipbuilders: Leith-built Ships, vol. 1: R O Neish: 978-184995-443-3 - Whittles Publishing


You can also find the same books on Amazon, along with my 2 Fictional Maritime Novels, such as Fight or Flight or Black & White – find them at


Fight or Flight: A Davy Stuart Adventure (The Davy Stuart Adventures): Amazon.co.uk: Neish, R O: 9798505143629: Books


Black or White: A Davy Stuart Adventure (The Davy Stuart Adventures): Amazon.co.uk: Neish, R O: 9798483048985: Books


Good reading and thanks for your continued interest.

Monday, 19 September 2022

Review for Volume-II, from Nautilus Telegraph

 Hi all,

Thinking that I wanted to share this nice review of the 2nd book in the series on the Ships Built at Leith.

This one is from the well known maritime website Nautilus Telegraph.

Friday, 19 August 2022

Leith-Built Ships, Vol-III

 Hi all,

Very pleased to be able to tell you that the third in the series of books on the many ships built at Leith, Edinburgh's port in Scotland, is to be published on Tuesday 23rd August.

Purchase from the publishers or most good bookshops, along with Amazon

Monday, 27 June 2022

Bustler Class Rescue Tugs-New Book Out Now

 We hope you like the new book and think you will agree the wait has been worth it.

The new Bustler Class Rescue Tugs book is out now, from the publishers and you should also be able to get it at all good book stores from next week.

Bustler Class Rescue Tugs: R O Neish: 978-184995-504-1 - Whittles Publishing

Saturday, 30 April 2022


Double book launch June-2022

Hi folks, just to make you aware if you did not already know that my Bustler Class Rescue Tugs book has been pushed back to now be published at the same time as the long-awaited Leith-Built Ships Vol-III.

Both books are now to be published in June 2022, so look out for more news as publication date gets closer, as the author I thank you all for your continued support and patience.

The new Bustler Class Rescue Tugs book will be published June-2022

Leith-Built Ships Volume-III, will also be published in June-2022

A super double launch, keep checking back for further details.

Friday, 22 April 2022

Bustler Class Tug-Smoke on the Water

 We continue to show some of the fine pictures taken of the Bustler Class Tug model as Dave Steggles put her back on the water to continue her trials. She looks the part we think you will agree and this is a great job well done by someone who appreciates the fine original craftsmanship that went into the original model.

She sits nice on the water with a fine bow wave which shows her fine lines as she is cutting through the water.


As she steams away from us, we see her wake. 

You can also see a great video of her 2nd trial run of the Bustler Class Rescue Tug on the water.

Looking good underway with nice bow wave cutting the water, this is from her 2nd trial on the water, congrats to Dave Steggles.

Bustler Class Tug-Returns to the water


We are very pleased to be able to feature the story of an old rusting model of a Bustler Class Rescue Tug which itself was in need of rescue, cue Dave who also sent in this story along with pictures of his refurbishment of this great metal model.

The model needed a lot of care and attention but this was a worthwhile project that Dave took on and we can see the results of his hard work and attention to detail on this Blog-

This model of a Bustler Class Tug was bought from a Barn, it was unnamed, covered in dust and mess and had an old electric motor in it. I bought it because it was big enough to fit a steam plant in and also the hull, decks and superstructure are made from metal, which is uncommon. The model is at 1:48 scale complete with her war time configuration.

Her shell plates, are clearly seen in this picture showing her portside stern plates, complete with seams and butts which would have been all rivets in the real ship.


Ready for one of her first tests on the water, one which she passed with flying colours, as you will see in the following pictures.

Dave tells me that I had no idea at the time just how interesting the history of real Bustler Tugs is. The hull is constructed from small, individual, metal plates that have been soldered together so the plates look like they would have done on real Bustler Tugs.

The hull had rusted through in a couple of places and was leaking. I decided to keep as much as possible original so undertook a sympathetic restoration. I cleaned and kept all the paint work above the water line original. I striped the hull below the water line, back to almost bare metal and repaired it. The plating was protected and left visible by the application of a clear coat of resin to display the skill of the craftsman that built this model. The model is now powered by an old Cheddar Proteus steam plant with full automatic boiler controls. The work on the renovation is not yet complete, there is more work to do to repair the superstructure and fittings, but whilst time consuming its only minor work that is left.

The photos are taken from the 2nd and 3rd trial runs of this boat, the video is of the second trial run, so please bear in mind that the model is not yet in its finished restored condition.

We have more images and video to show you so keep checking back, we also have news on the new Bustler Class rescue Tug book which will now be released at the same time as the new Volume III of the Leith-Built Ships series, all this will be revealed later so keep checking back.


Sunday, 27 March 2022

Ship Names-Built at Leith

I just thought it would be a little bit unusual to show the stern or Bow names on some of the ships built at Leith. The ship names are self-explanatory so just look through them, perhaps you worked on some of them, I know that I did.

Keep checking back to see more as we upload them to the Blog.

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Wooden Shipbuilding


I love this picture showing the build of a wooden ship in Bellingham, Washington State sometime in 1916.

The foreman stands on the supporting timbers over the ships keel, hands in pockets, somethings never change.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Fight or Flight

 In this ever dangerous world, sometimes you may just wish to sit down and read a good book, if you have a love for ships or the sea with a historical twist then the Davy Stuart series of Historical Maritime books is for you. Starting with the first book, 

Fight or Flight

  “It’s either black or white. There’s no in-between for Davy Stuart.”

 Fight or Flight is an historical adventure novel with a maritime bias; the first in a trilogy.

 Leith, Scotland, 1880. Davy Stuart is an apprentice shipwright down in the docks. He’s from the poorest of the tenements and it’s a tough existence. Davy spends his free time drinking and day-dreaming with his pals.

He then wakes up wounded on a ship, told he has to flee from home, his family and Scotland.

He is like a rudderless ship stumbling from one fight to another, is his best friend really a friend or his worst enemy.

Davy travels on going from adventure to battle, never really knowing who he really is, his encounter with Voodoo leaves him even more confused.

His adventure take him half way around the world, then he lands in post Civil war America, in the South with his Black Friend. He owes his life to Sol.

As he continues his quest to find the woman he intends to marry, things are never how they seem.

Available on Amazon in paperback or kindle.

Saturday, 26 February 2022

QE2 under the Forth Rail Bridge

This is a very though provoking photo from a wee while back when the beautiful Queen Elizabeth II, Cunard Liner used to call in at the Firth of Forth, anchoring just off South Queensferry. Her passengers would shipped ashore ,to be whisked off to Edinburgh, so they could spend their tourist money in Auld Reekie.

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Leith-Built Ships, Vol-III


Very pleased to be able to announce the 3rd book in the series on the ships built at Leith, Scotland.

For anyone un-aware Leith is the port for the Capital City of Scotland, Edinburgh.

 This Volume-III covers the time from the end of World War Two, into the middle of the 1960’s and the shipyard was a busy place with many fleets having to restock their depleted fleets that had been destroyed with great loss of life during the war.

Ellerman/Wilson Line along with many more ships for the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, were big customers of the Leith yard, at a time of great change in the shipyards as they transitioned their construction methods to reduce riveting while the use of electric welding increased dramatically. This also had many social and demarcation aspects for the men working in shipbuilding, this book pays homage to both the ships built at the time and to the men who built them.

The following Advanced Information sheet is released from the publishers, who expect the book to be available in June, 2022.

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Steaming into 2022

 As we steam full ahead into 2022, we would like to wish all a very Happy New Year for 2022.

SS Teano built at Leith for the Ellerman Wilson Line she was launched in February 1955

She was part of a large order for the shipyard of Henry Robb. nice mid sized cargo vessels with a passenger load of 12 all in very nice accommodations as the ships voyaged to Scandinavia or to the Mediterranean.

SS Teano is just one of the many ships you will be able to read about in the next book on the

 Ships Built at Leith-Volume-III

Look out for news on this release soon, so keep checking back.