
Sunday, 27 March 2022

Ship Names-Built at Leith

I just thought it would be a little bit unusual to show the stern or Bow names on some of the ships built at Leith. The ship names are self-explanatory so just look through them, perhaps you worked on some of them, I know that I did.

Keep checking back to see more as we upload them to the Blog.

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Wooden Shipbuilding


I love this picture showing the build of a wooden ship in Bellingham, Washington State sometime in 1916.

The foreman stands on the supporting timbers over the ships keel, hands in pockets, somethings never change.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Fight or Flight

 In this ever dangerous world, sometimes you may just wish to sit down and read a good book, if you have a love for ships or the sea with a historical twist then the Davy Stuart series of Historical Maritime books is for you. Starting with the first book, 

Fight or Flight

  “It’s either black or white. There’s no in-between for Davy Stuart.”

 Fight or Flight is an historical adventure novel with a maritime bias; the first in a trilogy.

 Leith, Scotland, 1880. Davy Stuart is an apprentice shipwright down in the docks. He’s from the poorest of the tenements and it’s a tough existence. Davy spends his free time drinking and day-dreaming with his pals.

He then wakes up wounded on a ship, told he has to flee from home, his family and Scotland.

He is like a rudderless ship stumbling from one fight to another, is his best friend really a friend or his worst enemy.

Davy travels on going from adventure to battle, never really knowing who he really is, his encounter with Voodoo leaves him even more confused.

His adventure take him half way around the world, then he lands in post Civil war America, in the South with his Black Friend. He owes his life to Sol.

As he continues his quest to find the woman he intends to marry, things are never how they seem.

Available on Amazon in paperback or kindle.