
Tuesday, 22 December 2020


 As we near the end of a very strange year we would like to think that things will get better in 2021

It's an old image but a good image, helps to remind that some have a real tough time of things at this time of year, we need to look after them.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

The New Flyer for Vol II, Leith Shipyards

Well they do say that a picture is worth a thousand words!

Saturday, 17 October 2020

The Mountbatten Award for Best Book


Very happy to be able to tell you that my 1st book, Leith-Built Ships Vol., I They Once Were Shipbuilders was nominated for an award a while ago. The nomination category is for best book-maritime. Happy to say that the book is still on the list along with some very stiff competition, it is good to see the efforts to highlight the great maritime heritage of the old Port of Leith, is being recognised.


The Mountbatten Award for Best Book



Sunday, 11 October 2020

For model-makers-included in my new book


Leith-Built Ships, Vol. II, Leith Shipyards 1918 to 1939


I am pleased to let you know that included with the new Volume II, which forms part of my series of books on the history of the ships built at the Leith Shipyards.


You will find included many scale drawings which will be very useful for small ship modellers. The drawings can just be scaled up to reproduce a pretty close shape and size of the said ships, all from the period 1918 to 1935.



While there is no Body Plan I am sure that the capable modellers out there will find these scale General Arrangement drawings very useful.

You will also find this great 3 in 1 Document Camera from Amazon very useful.

OKIOCAM T Plus: The Unique 3-In-1 Document Camera


The above was a coaster built by Henry Robb Shipyards as Ship No 240 in 1937; she survived World War Two, being one of the many coasters used to supply cased petrol to the allies in both the North African landings and on the D-Day beaches.

She would end her days being sunk in the Suez Canal in 1979. Lochee was a tribute to her builders.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Leith Shipyards Vol II, 1918 to 1939


Very pleased to be able to tell you that the book is now being worked on by the publishers and is now available at a special pre-publication price.

This book continues the series on Leith-Built Ships, and will make a great Christmas present even if it may be available a couple of weeks after Xmas, it’s a fine way to start the New Year.




Just quote the following promotional code at checkout, and you can purchase the book at the special price of £14.99 (plus p&p). WPLEITH2.




Look out for more information on the book soon.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Leith-Built Ships Volume 2, Leith Shipyards 1918 to 1939

 Very pleased to be able to tell you that Volume 2 in the 4 book series on Leith-Built Ships will be published late 2020/early 2021, now featuring the brand new cover.

Just one of the many fine ships launched at Leith, featured in the new book.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

The Loftsman Website

Hi all with any luck you will now be aware that the new website which replaces the old leithshipyards website is now well up and running. Please take some time to visit and should you have any input then don’t hesitate to get in touch. As we work along with our website partners at Lucid Media you should begin to see many improvements in the website, making it better, bigger and more informative than ever.


Monday, 27 April 2020

New Shipyard shop

As the new website continues now at www.theloftsman.com
The Blog on the new website will be the main source of news from now on and this new Blog will be even better with all the news on Leith Built Ships and so much more, such as the new shipyard shop about to open over there.

Will be opening soon, we have been working on this new concept for a wee while now, with the advent of the virus pandemic this has presented some more unexpected challenges. No more than anyone else has had to contend with but challenges just the same.

All under the logo
They Once Were Shipbuilders
(You will be able to fill in the location with your own preference)
My own particular preference was of course the Henry Robb Shipyard at Leith.

The aim of the shop is to present the customer with unique purchases that you will not find elsewhere. This will be a shop that will be a testament to a lost industry that touched so many people.

The Shipyard Shop will feature many fresh designs which cover an old concept, the concept of building ships.

Powerful industrial images now almost gone, but the memory lingers on, images that now sit very well on every day things from caps, hats to t-shirts to wall coverings.

We are sure that once the Shipyard Shop opens you will find what you are looking for, in a way that no other shop can, as we are also from the industry, an industry that employed so many people not only on this small island nation of ours but all around the World.


We will feature superb museum quality ship models covering many of the greatest ships ever to grace the seven seas.
We feature the Ship Beautiful above otherwise known as RMS Aquitania
Thes are not kits but fully assembled models shipped in sturdy containers to your door and ready to display. Some have LED lighting inside for a tremendous night-time effect.

Many of our original designs can be personalised so that you can input your own personal favourite, so please keep a look out for this happening, keep checking back here on the Blog, and on the main website.
Thanks to all and keep safe during these trying times.

They Once Were Shipbuilders

We hope you like the small taster of some of the many products that we shall soon be able to offer on the “Brand New” Shipyard Shop.

Bear with us as I am sure we shall open this pretty soon.

Why not have a look at some of my Amazon stuff on the Blog while we wait on the shop opening, below you will find a really neat 3 in 1 Document Camera from Amazon.

OKIOCAM T Plus: The Unique 3-In-1 Document Camera

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Thank You NHS

As I recently posted on my main website

 A mock-up of the new Hibernian home top




No further words required a picture worth many thousands of words.

Sunday, 29 March 2020

New Ships Photo Gallery

Ships Photo Gallery

As many of us struggle with this threat to life of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) we at the Loftsman website have decided to do our little bit to help.
Starting today we shall endeavour to create a huge ships photo library as we are aware that a great many people out there find this very interesting. You may have someone who sailed or worked on one of the many vessels, you may even find this part of the website of interest should you be researching a family tree.

From classic old ships such as shown below

The library will take time to build up but it is intended that we should have as many pictures of vessels on this part of the site that we can manage to upload. They are doing no good being hoarded or hidden away when many could enjoy seeing them at this very difficult time for us all.

So as you browse through the galleries please stay home and keep safe.

You can access the ship photo page at https://www.theloftsman.com/ship-photo-s

Many types of ship will be added with some categories in a general way while some are put on the gallery in no particular order and under no particular heading.
You will just have to look through the many galleries to find what you are looking for. Over time we hope to be able to add details such as builder and size etc, but again this will take time, so keep checking back. If you think you could help by adding your own photographs to the site them please contact Ron@theloftsman.com

Both old and new ships will be added over time.

Many ships photographs will grow this library of ships for your research and enjoyment, we hope you will help us by sending in your own photographs to make this into one of the largest ships libraries on the internet, a tall order but with help it can and will be done.

Thursday, 30 January 2020

New website - theloftsman

As promised a brand new website to include some of the original and now some of the new.

Check it out at theloftsman.com



For all things ships and shipbuilding at Leith. 

You can now also contact me at


Please use this email to send comments and stories about the Leith Shipyards, along with any photographs you may wish to see on the website or perhaps even in one of my books in the Leith-Built Ships series.

The website and this Blog now have some wonderful goods from Amazon the worlds largest market place for all your goods, trusted and complete with guarantees, goods that you may well find very useful such as this 3 in 1 Document Camera from Amazon. 
OKIOCAM T Plus: The Unique 3-In-1 Document Camera

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Book Launch at Leith

Official book launch at Leith

Very pleased to annonce that their will be an official book launch for the new book about the shipyards of Leith.
Leith-Built Ships Vol I will be featured at a signing event at the Leith Theatre this 31st Jan 2020

Wednesday, 1 January 2020


A busy scene at the Leith Shipyards of Robb Caledon sometime around 1976

Well 2020 it is then, bloody miracle if you ask me, puts me in mind of an old Jager & Evens song “In the year 2525, if man is still alive”

Perhaps someone will change the year around to show 2020 but I digress, I have been asked a few questions many times about plans for 2020
I shall endeavour to answer below, always a wee bit reluctant to make plans set in stone as we all know what happens to plans (Ask around in any shipyard and you will find out, but we will not mention anything about what has really happened with the two Cal-Mac ferries being built or not built at Ferguson’s yard on the Clyde)

Will there be a new website in 2020 – Most definitely, although it will take a slightly different format as this website will also feature the many books that I have on the go right now both Non-Fiction such as the recently published Leith-Built Ships Vol. I

I have Fiction books starting with a trilogy about two young shipwrights from Leith, full of madcap adventures. Set around actual ships built at Leith in the late 18th century, that I am writing with the first two books finished but as yet unpublished.
The new website will also in time feature a very large library of ships photographs.

Will Volume II of Leith-Built Ships be published in 2020 – Most definitely although still to be confirmed with the publishers, but this book is 99% complete and almost ready to go, with Volume III well on as well it could be an exciting year on the publishing front to feature more on the almost forgotten shipbuilding and maritime heritage of the old port.

There is a lot more in the pipeline but as ever I don’t count my chickens before they are hatched.
Remember the first book is now out and can be purchased from most good bookshops, for anyone overseas the publishers can post to anywhere.

or it can be purchased from Amazon at the following link

So for now it is on to 2020 may it be a good one for all.