
Saturday, 17 October 2020

The Mountbatten Award for Best Book


Very happy to be able to tell you that my 1st book, Leith-Built Ships Vol., I They Once Were Shipbuilders was nominated for an award a while ago. The nomination category is for best book-maritime. Happy to say that the book is still on the list along with some very stiff competition, it is good to see the efforts to highlight the great maritime heritage of the old Port of Leith, is being recognised.


The Mountbatten Award for Best Book



Sunday, 11 October 2020

For model-makers-included in my new book


Leith-Built Ships, Vol. II, Leith Shipyards 1918 to 1939


I am pleased to let you know that included with the new Volume II, which forms part of my series of books on the history of the ships built at the Leith Shipyards.


You will find included many scale drawings which will be very useful for small ship modellers. The drawings can just be scaled up to reproduce a pretty close shape and size of the said ships, all from the period 1918 to 1935.



While there is no Body Plan I am sure that the capable modellers out there will find these scale General Arrangement drawings very useful.

You will also find this great 3 in 1 Document Camera from Amazon very useful.

OKIOCAM T Plus: The Unique 3-In-1 Document Camera


The above was a coaster built by Henry Robb Shipyards as Ship No 240 in 1937; she survived World War Two, being one of the many coasters used to supply cased petrol to the allies in both the North African landings and on the D-Day beaches.

She would end her days being sunk in the Suez Canal in 1979. Lochee was a tribute to her builders.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Leith Shipyards Vol II, 1918 to 1939


Very pleased to be able to tell you that the book is now being worked on by the publishers and is now available at a special pre-publication price.

This book continues the series on Leith-Built Ships, and will make a great Christmas present even if it may be available a couple of weeks after Xmas, it’s a fine way to start the New Year.




Just quote the following promotional code at checkout, and you can purchase the book at the special price of £14.99 (plus p&p). WPLEITH2.




Look out for more information on the book soon.