
Monday, 27 April 2020

New Shipyard shop

As the new website continues now at www.theloftsman.com
The Blog on the new website will be the main source of news from now on and this new Blog will be even better with all the news on Leith Built Ships and so much more, such as the new shipyard shop about to open over there.

Will be opening soon, we have been working on this new concept for a wee while now, with the advent of the virus pandemic this has presented some more unexpected challenges. No more than anyone else has had to contend with but challenges just the same.

All under the logo
They Once Were Shipbuilders
(You will be able to fill in the location with your own preference)
My own particular preference was of course the Henry Robb Shipyard at Leith.

The aim of the shop is to present the customer with unique purchases that you will not find elsewhere. This will be a shop that will be a testament to a lost industry that touched so many people.

The Shipyard Shop will feature many fresh designs which cover an old concept, the concept of building ships.

Powerful industrial images now almost gone, but the memory lingers on, images that now sit very well on every day things from caps, hats to t-shirts to wall coverings.

We are sure that once the Shipyard Shop opens you will find what you are looking for, in a way that no other shop can, as we are also from the industry, an industry that employed so many people not only on this small island nation of ours but all around the World.


We will feature superb museum quality ship models covering many of the greatest ships ever to grace the seven seas.
We feature the Ship Beautiful above otherwise known as RMS Aquitania
Thes are not kits but fully assembled models shipped in sturdy containers to your door and ready to display. Some have LED lighting inside for a tremendous night-time effect.

Many of our original designs can be personalised so that you can input your own personal favourite, so please keep a look out for this happening, keep checking back here on the Blog, and on the main website.
Thanks to all and keep safe during these trying times.

They Once Were Shipbuilders

We hope you like the small taster of some of the many products that we shall soon be able to offer on the “Brand New” Shipyard Shop.

Bear with us as I am sure we shall open this pretty soon.

Why not have a look at some of my Amazon stuff on the Blog while we wait on the shop opening, below you will find a really neat 3 in 1 Document Camera from Amazon.

OKIOCAM T Plus: The Unique 3-In-1 Document Camera

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Thank You NHS

As I recently posted on my main website

 A mock-up of the new Hibernian home top




No further words required a picture worth many thousands of words.